Friday, October 10, 2008

Wine - The Original Liquid Asset

The world has changed. Markets have unraveled, credit has all but dried up, and an interdependent global economy has been stunted by the concentrated greed and short-sightedness of certain members of the American economy. Now with governments scrambling to act but not knowing where to begin, and no end in sight, we the common people, must sit and wait as we helplessly bear witness to the onerous and precipitous freefall of wealth and home values across the world. Crisis looms just over the horizon…

With an outlook as grim as that, we need a drink!

Fortunately, wine has been providing a lively and cost-effective escape from human woes for centuries. Historically, it has been seen as a mere physical aide in the mental escape from earthly troubles (read: get drunk and forget). But in these trying times, people have begun to see more than just drinkability in wine. Articles are being written and funds are being raised to take advantage of the increased interest in “liquid assets”. Investor money has begun to see a new way to enjoy this heavenly nectar – ownership. In previous posts, the UE has highlighted to the reader the beginnings of what has become a new craze in an already mentally unstable investing world. Like fine art, fine wine appreciates over time, so whether you buy a case of wine today, or buy a family owned vineyard and winery, you stand to potentially make money in a market that has weathered several generations of ups, downs and burnings of Rome.

And now, thanks to a phenomenal woman by the name of Jerryanne Heath, CEO of the avant-garde event and marketing consulting firm ConceptLink
(, we have the opportunity to take part in both the consumption of and learning about investing in wine. She will be hosting a wine tasting event around the topic of “Investment Opportunities in a Down Market”, bringing together two important and often interrelated vices of life – wine and money. Wine has lasted through centuries of flood, famine, war and regime change - isn't it time you looked at wine with more than just a thirsty eye?

Join the UE, Jerryanne and the whole crew on Friday, October 24th from 6-8pm at the Penn Club on 44th St in NYC for a sampling of wines and investor knowledge.

this link for more details and early-bird ticket purchases. See you there!

-The UE

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