Thursday, August 27, 2009

Subway Series - Eating Out

Comfort is something I take for granted. Let me explain.

When I go out to eat, I meet all types of people – black, white, rich, poor, funny and awkward. Very rarely have I found myself in a situation where I haven't been comfortable. True, this comes after years of figuring my identity out after a lifetime of racial ambiguity, but I notice the same is not often true for others. So many people have a limited bandwidth for new people

They are too crunchy

They are too clean cut

They are ugly

They are picky

So many qualifiers block us from enjoying a new experience. Well I’ll tell you this - I love food far too much to let an all Spanish speaking crowd scare me away from some of the best tacos in the city.

What do you love enough to cross boundaries and comfort zones to find?

The UE

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Subway Series - A Collection of Thoughts

While traveling in the underbelly of New York City, one finds themselves with time to ponder their lives and muse over the quirks of existence in general.

Recently, I have found myself with a lot more free time on my hands, and while I have been out socializing more, I have found my brain has had a lot more time to wander into creative reflection. This series is a collection of those thoughts and musings written on the subway, in a cab, or random parks at 2 in the afternoon.


-The UE

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

Latin Libations - Photo Slideshow

As promised, a photo slideshow of the beautiful people in attendance at Latin Libations.

It wouldn't have been a party without you! Hope you can join us for the next one.

-The UE

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